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Electron FAQ's


+ What battery can I use with my retracts?

Electron suggests using a single small battery for retracts and brakes, and not sharing the receiver or engine battery.

500-900 mAh will be enough for at least 25 flights, so with a very small battery you will have power enough for a full flying day.

Recomended voltages:

ER-30: 3S LiPo or 3S LiFe ER-40: 2S Lipo ER-50: 2S LiPo

MPX Conector: For better power distribution, and safer running, is recomended use 3 pins of MPX connector, for each polarity.

+ Can I invert my retract, or change the retraction angle?

This is possible only in the “reversible version” of our retracts, released from January 2015 onwards. You can find the indicative “reversible” engraved next to the serial number.

Check out this video:

+ What retracts can be upgraded to square thread spindle?

All retracts purchased from January 2013. The serial number must start by 13, 14,15,16 etc. (the first two digit indicate the manufacturing year)

 Wheels & Brakes

+ The brakes haven't enough power to stop my plane within the desired distance.

Voltage increase: The latest software for ER-30 and ER-40 allows you to increase the voltage up to 13V (not for ER-50). With 3S LiPo it is posible increase the brake torque a little. Old control units can be updated with the new software: (contact us). It is possible to test the controller with 3S LiPo to ensure this controller accepts 13V. If not, the retracts simply will not run, nothing should burn. The ER-50 is limited to 10V for security, so only mechanical adjustments are posible.


+ Need a combo that I can't find on your webiste

Please, send us an e-mail : to discuss the possibilities.